The cute young ladies above are apparently members of the Kansas University Soccer Team. When they're not on the field kicking a ball around, they like to get naked and cover their breasts with soccer balls. To which I say, GOOD FOR YOU!!!
While the girls are obviously just screwing around and having some fun, I would venture a guess that the following will happen in the not too distant future.
-The University will issue an apology on behalf of the players, saying they made a mistake in judgement and it won't happen again. There may be disciplinary action taken.
-Some narrow minded imbeciles (aka Christian, nudity-fearing pig-fuckers) will be shocked and appalled that today's youth would expose and degrade themselves like this.
-Someone at the NCAA will realize if women's soccer was played topless it would bring in more money per year than Division I football. That person will then masturbate into their Scooby Doo pajamas and fall asleep.
-Members of the KU women's soccer team will receive approximately 13,488 friend requests on facebook .
-One of them will be from me.
You're only young once ladies, so enjoy the ride and have as much fun as you can. Why the rah rah, seize the day speech? Mainly because the priorities of the humourless, politically correct dick-holes that make up a small but vocal portion of society are so out of whack and ludicrous that it makes me want to punch a hole in my monitor.
where the only thing more embarrassing then their pathetic sports knowledge and lame humour, is their taste in movies.